A lot of emphasis is given to foods that promote healthy bones and the importance of intake of calcium supplements, but have we ever given a thought on few of the foods that can hamper all our efforts. Lets have a look at 4 commonly consumed foods that can weaken our bones.
Salt- Salt is said to weaken our bones. Studies show that for every 2.3g of sodium intake, 0.04g of calcium from the bones are lost. Our diets are generally high in salt, thanks to all the processed foods in the market. Smart move- Cut down salt intake from canned soups, salted meats etc.
Soft drinks- the most publicized food product and this includes the diet varieties too. The phosphoric acid leaches out calcium from the bones. Smart move- Drink low fat milk rather than coke.
Caffeine- The calcium loss is not significant but can eventually add up all because of the lattes and the iced teas. Smart move- try decaffeinated drinks.
Alcohol- It hampers absorption of calcium and other minerals that build bone and also prevent the bone remodeling by the osteoblasts aka bone building cells. Smart move- Limit intake to one drink per day be it wine or whisky.